Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2012 12:37 PM
Subject: Email message from Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission on the status of my civil rights complaint against Mayor Don Atchison, Councillor Randy Donauer, and City of Saskatoon
Subject: Email message from Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission on the status of my civil rights complaint against Mayor Don Atchison, Councillor Randy Donauer, and City of Saskatoon
Dear Media:
The email message below from the Saskatchewan Human Rights
Commission indicates the status of my civil rights complaint against Mayor Don
Atchison, Councillor Randy Donauer, and the City of Saskatoon. I phoned
Marci Macomber and asked her to have the lawyer consider the Canadian Civil
Liberties Association letter and my additional arguments document in deciding
whether sufficient evidence of reasonable grounds exists. I will keep you
informed of further developments.
Best regards,
Ashu M. G. Solo
From: Macomber, Marci SHRC
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2012 9:12 AM
Subject: FW: Additional Arguments for Civil Rights Complaint against Mayor Don Atchison, Councillor Randy Donauer, and City of Saskatoon
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2012 9:12 AM
Subject: FW: Additional Arguments for Civil Rights Complaint against Mayor Don Atchison, Councillor Randy Donauer, and City of Saskatoon
Mr. Solo,
Thank you for your
message. I will put this information on the file. We are currently
awaiting a legal opinion on whether “sufficient evidence of reasonable grounds
exist” to believe that The Saskatchewan Human Rights Code may have been
violated in the circumstances. This is a requirement of Section 27 of the
Code before we are able to accept and mediate/investigate a formal
complaint. We hope to complete this process shortly and will be in touch
at that time.
Meanwhile, do not hesitate to
contact me if you have any questions.
Marci R. Macomber
Investigator / Facilitator
Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission