I, Ashu M. G. Solo, filed the following:

1. Civil rights case against the City of Saskatoon (Mayor's Office) and Councillor Randy Donauer for prayer recitations at government organized events

2. Code of Conduct complaint against Mayor Don Atchison for potential online campaign advertising violations

3. Civil rights case against the City of Saskatoon (Saskatoon Transit Services) for promoting holidays from only one religion on city buses

4. Human rights complaint against the City of Saskatoon (Executive Committee) for retaliating against me by not reappointing me to the Cultural Diversity and Race Relations Committee and not appointing me to another civic committee or board

5. Human rights complaint against the City of Saskatoon (City Solicitor’s Office) for retaliating against me by trying to deprive me of my right to directly communicate with members of City Council and by telling employees of other City of Saskatoon departments to not talk to me

6. Human rights complaint against the City of Saskatoon (Cultural Diversity and Race Relations Office) and City of Saskatoon (Living in Harmony Ad Hoc Subcommittee of Cultural Diversity and Race Relations Committee) for retaliating against me by not considering my submissions to the Living in Harmony Contest

This site contains my media releases, some case documents, emails to City Council, etc.

I don't waste my time arguing with opponents.

The backlash makes me much more determined to fight against bigotry and shows the need for these civil rights cases, so I'll be filing more civil rights cases. You ain't seen nothing yet.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sanctions for Potential Code of Conduct Violation by Don Atchison

From: Ashu M. G. Solo [mailto:amgsolo@mavericktechnologies.us]
Sent: Sunday, November 04, 2012 2:52 AM
To: 'mayors.office@saskatoon.ca'; randy.donauer@saskatoon.ca; eric.olauson@saskatoon.ca; darren.hill@saskatoon.ca; charlie.clark@saskatoon.ca; pat.lorje@saskatoon.ca; ann.iwanchuk@saskatoon.ca; troy.davies@saskatoon.ca; 'mairin.loewen@saskatoon.ca'; tiffany.paulsen@saskatoon.ca; zach.jeffries@saskatoon.ca
Subject: Sanctions for Potential Code of Conduct Violation by Don Atchison

Dear City Council/Executive Committee:

As most of you know, I made a Code of Conduct complaint against Don Atchison for using his title in his online campaign advertising.  Those of you who are new to City Council should get acquainted with my complaints at http://atchison-discrimination.blogspot.ca.  I understand that the Executive Committee is going to be discussing my Code of Conduct complaint on November 5, 2012.  Although I don’t agree with the rule prohibiting the use of titles by council members in campaign advertising, the rules must be followed by those who made them.  City Council should scrap this rule in the future.

I believe that the Executive Committee should remove Atchison from the Board of Police Commissioners as a penalty if the Executive Committee finds that he violated the Code of Conduct.  I don't believe that Atchison has the moral authority, honor, or integrity to act as mayor or to be on the Board of Police Commissioners.  If he can't follow the Saskatoon City Council Code of Conduct, Saskatchewan Human Rights Code, or Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, then how can he act as mayor or be on the Board of Police Commissioners?  Ignorance of the law is no excuse for citizens.  Ignorance of the law and ignorance of the rules are no excuse for politicians too. 

How can Don Atchison have the moral authority, honor, or integrity to serve on the board of an organization that enforces the law if he can’t follow the law and the rules?  That is, how can Atchison have the moral authority, honor, or integrity to serve on the Board of Police Commissioners for the Saskatoon Police Service, which enforces criminal and traffic law, if he can’t follow the intent of other rules and laws in the Saskatoon City Council Code of Conduct, Saskatchewan Human Rights Code, and Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms?  I believe that Atchison doesn’t have the moral authority, honor, or integrity to be on the Board of Police Commissioners, and I believe that the Executive Committee should remove Atchison from the Board of Police Commissioners if the Executive Committee finds that Atchison violated the City Council Code of Conduct.

Mayors shouldn’t be on the Board of Police Commissioners anyway.  Mayor Jim Maddin was right.  Politicians cause the board to make decisions based on political considerations, such as passions of the moment and ignorant public opinion, instead of based on a rigorous analysis of what can be done for the greatest public interest. 

I also believe that the Executive Committee should cut Atchison’s salary in half because he unethically gained an advantage over the other candidates by using his title in his campaign advertising.  Such a penalty would strongly discourage council members in the future from violating the rules set by City Council. 

The sanctions suggested above are allowed under the City Council Code of Conduct (http://www.saskatoon.ca/CITY%20COUNCIL/Pages/CodeofConduct.aspx).  I am blind copying this email message to various media outlets.


Ashu M. G. Solo