Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2013 2:30 PM
Subject: MEDIA ALERT: Cultural Diversity and Race Relations Committee reached no decision about my civil rights complaint regarding Christmas messages on buses
Subject: MEDIA ALERT: Cultural Diversity and Race Relations Committee reached no decision about my civil rights complaint regarding Christmas messages on buses
Dear Media:
At a public meeting today, the City of Saskatoon’s Cultural
Diversity and Race Relations Committee continued its deliberations about my
civil rights complaint regarding Christmas messages on buses.
Representatives on the Cultural Diversity and Race Relations
Committee had really different views about what to do regarding my
complaint. They couldn’t agree on a recommendation for the Executive
Committee. Therefore, the Cultural Diversity and Race Relations Committee
decided to take no action on my complaint and simply send the information that
they received to the Executive Committee, so the Executive Committee can make a
more informed decision. The Executive Committee is composed of the city
councillors and mayor.
I made a presentation to the committee on
January 10, 2013 about my civil rights complaint and sent them significant
written material on it.
I might not have the majority of public support, but I’m
still right in my position and in taking on this issue. He who is
clad in the armor of a righteous cause can be mightier than all who oppose
him. I don’t care if people hate me for my civil rights complaints
because I’m not trying to win a popularity contest. The advancement of
liberty is more important than my popularity.
The only practical, fair, and nondiscriminatory policy is to
not have messages for religious holidays on programmable signs of Saskatoon
Transit buses. If the Executive Committee doesn’t come up with a fair and
nondiscriminatory policy, I will proceed with a civil rights complaint to the
Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission.
The racist and bigoted
backlash for my prayer recitation complaint shows the need to make civil rights
complaints like this and motivated me to make this Christmas message
complaint. The racist and bigoted backlash for this complaint motivates
me to make more civil rights complaints in the future. I will be filing
more human rights complaints and will keep you informed. You ain’t seen
nothing yet.
Best regards,
Ashu M. G. Solo