From: Ashu M. G. Solo
Sent: Friday, February 2, 2018 6:21 PM
To: 'Figg, Carla (CP - Service Saskatoon)' <>; 'TU - R&O Councillor Enquiry' <>; 'Mayor and Councillors' <>; 'Jorgenson, Jeff (City Manager's Office)' <>; 'Warwick, Patti (Solicitors)' <>; 'Bogad, Christine (Solicitors)' <>; 'Mintenko, Julie (CP - Media Relations)' <>; 'Rogstad, Mark (CP - Media Relations)' <>; 'Harris, Brandon (TU - Roadways & Operations)' <>; 'Taylor, Jill (TU - Roadways & Operations)' <>
Subject: RE: [ ~20473 ] Re: Return of the Snow Ramps
Sent: Friday, February 2, 2018 6:21 PM
To: 'Figg, Carla (CP - Service Saskatoon)' <>; 'TU - R&O Councillor Enquiry' <>; 'Mayor and Councillors' <>; 'Jorgenson, Jeff (City Manager's Office)' <>; 'Warwick, Patti (Solicitors)' <>; 'Bogad, Christine (Solicitors)' <>; 'Mintenko, Julie (CP - Media Relations)' <>; 'Rogstad, Mark (CP - Media Relations)' <>; 'Harris, Brandon (TU - Roadways & Operations)' <>; 'Taylor, Jill (TU - Roadways & Operations)' <>
Subject: RE: [ ~20473 ] Re: Return of the Snow Ramps
Some members of the local media are interested in covering
your failure to remove the snow ramps. They were going to cover the issue
based on my email to you a few days ago, but you removed the snow ramps before
they could get photographs. I told them I’ll let them know next time I
see a dangerous snow ramp more than two days after a big snowfall. I've often seen dangerous snow ramps many days after snow falls. I suggest that
you pay more attention to clearing them.
Also, if I witness anymore violations of secularism by the
City of Saskatoon, I will report that to the Saskatchewan Human Rights
Commission. I’m not a complacent coward who turns a blind eye to civil
rights violations like most people do. The local, provincial, and
national media will certainly cover any civil rights cases I file with the
Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission like they did before.
If I get racially profiled (or selected for carding based on
race) by the Saskatoon police, I’ll file a civil rights case with the
Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission against them too. I’m not a gutless
coward who accepts being discriminated against like most people do. I
suggest that the Police Services Board warns the Saskatoon police to stop
racially profiling and carding people.
Furthermore, I will report any council members who violate
their code of conduct to the City Clerk’s Office. The local media will likely cover that like they covered my two code of conduct complaints against Don
Atchison and my code of conduct complaint against Charlie Clark. I don’t
believe that there should be restrictions on using the titles of “councillor”
and “mayor” in campaign advertising, but if we’re expected to follow the inane
by-laws made by council, then council should follow its own inane rules too. I
suggest that you end the restrictions on using the titles of “councillor” and
“mayor” in campaign advertising.
Ashu M. G. Solo