From: Ashu M. G. Solo
Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2012 12:30 PM
To: Mayor's Office; Randy Donauer
Cc: Darren Hill; Pat Lorje; Ann Iwanchuk; Myles Heidt; Charlie Clark; Mairin Loewen; Glen Penner; Tiffany Paulsen; Bev Dubois
Subject: RE: RE: Newspaper Article About Religious Bigotry at Saskatoon Volunteer Appreciation Banquet
Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2012 12:30 PM
To: Mayor's Office; Randy Donauer
Cc: Darren Hill; Pat Lorje; Ann Iwanchuk; Myles Heidt; Charlie Clark; Mairin Loewen; Glen Penner; Tiffany Paulsen; Bev Dubois
Subject: RE: RE: Newspaper Article About Religious Bigotry at Saskatoon Volunteer Appreciation Banquet
Hi Mayor Atchison and Councillor Donauer,
Now that I know from the Star Phoenix that a city councillor
said the public Christian prayer at the Volunteer Appreciation Banquet, for
this complaint of religious discrimination to not proceed to the Saskatchewan
Human Rights Commission, I would need to see all of the following by Friday,
April 27, 2012:
1. An apology from Mayor Atchison to me and to anyone else
who was offended for having a public Christian prayer at the Volunteer
Appreciation Banquet.
2. An apology from Councillor Donauer to me and to anyone
else who was offended for saying a public Christian prayer at the Volunteer
Appreciation Banquet.
3. A guarantee from Mayor Atchison that he will not violate
the separation of religion and government again at any Saskatoon municipal
government event. This includes not violating the separation of religion
and government with the Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast. The name of this event
should be changed, so it doesn’t use the office of mayor to promote prayer or
Christian prayer. It could be called “Don Atchison’s Prayer Breakfast.”
4. A guarantee from Councillor Donauer that he will not
violate the separation of religion and government again at any Saskatoon
municipal government event.
You should stop making non-Christian Saskatoon citizens feel
excluded and like second-class citizens by having public Christian prayers at
municipal government events. This is absolutely disgraceful.
Ashu M. G. Solo